Out Of Many One People: a supper club

Cultures. Provisions. Libations

Delve into a culinary excursion around the world highlighting Caribbean and Afro-American cuisine. Global techniques orchestrated masterfully to encourage plates that sing. Five courses and five drink pairings.

Brought to you by Chef Kendall DaCosta 


Indulge in Culinary Artistry

No one person is a like, just like no one ingredient is a like. That is what makes life so beautiful. Every menu is specially created for the guest of honor’s palette to invoke memories and nostalgia. Brunch / Lunch / Dinner for any occasion. Sip on your finest wine or mimosa and allow Chef Kendall to do the work for you while you enjoy the company of your guests and or partner.

Elevate your Nutrition

Curate a personalized meal plan that specifically targets your needed nutrient intake. Sign up for a month to month plan delivered to your door on a weekly basis. Leave the shopping and prep up to Chef Kendall and enjoy your meals in the comfort of your own home.